Ultimate Mouse Cleaning procedure Here's a way to breathe new life into a worn out mouse or one that moves with a jerky aspect on the screen. Before you throw out your old mouse and spend money on a new one, try this: Equipment needed: -- Lint free cloth, or cheap paper towels (if you're unemployed). BUT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES USE PUFFS BRAND TISSUES OR ANY OTHER LOTION-ENHANCED TISSUE PRODUCT. Although wonderful for your hands and stuffy nose, these lotion-treated tissues can gum up the insides of your mouse. -- Rubbing Alcohol - any cheap brand will do -- Non-sudsy, clear, Ammonia - any cheap brand will do. -- 1 can of non-residual contact cleaner (This is an aerosol product sometimes called "Electro-wash" or "Electro clean") Whatever brand you purchase, the most important feature is that it leave no residue. There are several contact cleaners that lubricate after cleaning. This will gum up your mouse insides so don't buy them. Procedure: First, clean the outside of the mouse with your lint-free cloth moistened (NOT soaked) with ammonia. After wiping your mouse with the cloth, your mouse should dry fairly rapidly (2/3 minutes) and not be soaked with residual ammonia. Open the the mouse where the ball is held in place and clean the ball in the same manner you cleaned the outside of the mouse. Also clean the small plastic component that holds the mouse ball in place. Clean the inside of the mouse where the ball is held in place using the ammonia moistened cloth. Now take another cloth and moisten it with the alcohol and again clean the inside of the mouse making sure that no shreds of cloth are left behind. You are now using the alcohol because, although the mouse is already clean, the alcohol can pick up some residual oils the ammonia wasn't able to. Alcohol is a better solvent than ammonia but doesn't clean well. Clean the mouse ball with alcohol as well. Keeping the mouse open, take the contact cleaner spray and spray into the mouse, specifically, on the moving components; the rollers. Spray for about a second and then work the internal moving components with your finger and then spray again for about two seconds. Some of the spray will definitely reach the buttons, so after you move the mouses' ball components, press your mouse buttons a few times. After the inside of the mouse dries, put the ball back and close it. Now, take an alcohol moistened cloth and, again, wipe the bottom of the mosue, especially near the teflon-like pads. Dust and hair tend to get caught in those areas and then find their way into the inside of the mouse. Finally, Clean the mouse pad, or table, where your moue is used. This area accumulates dust, hair and dried coffee. Attention Smokers: I must inform you that if you smoke near your computer (as I do);especially cigars (as I do), you will notice that your mouse screen movement has a tendency to become"jerky" much more frequently. The solution is to 1) put themouse away while you smoke, or 2) clean your mouse more frequently. Under no circumstances should you even entertain the thought of quitting smoking. Remember: Smoking is fun. I invite any comments or suggestions you may have about this procedure. Super Consultant Bobby Mack 72253,2014